2020年12月29日 星期二
2020年12月8日 星期二
2020年11月20日 星期五
讓觀眾能掌控劇情發展及主角生死 - 互動式影集
大家應該都看過電影或影集吧,但這些影集都只會照著劇本演下去,不會讓觀眾有選擇劇情的權利,我最近在Netflix一種特別的影集 – 互動式影集。
2020年11月12日 星期四
2020年9月24日 星期四
Problem and Solutions of Aging 英文作文練習
The population of elder people is increasing. The elderly need more attention and resources than us. Elder people are not as healthy as the younger people, and they cannot do so many things as us, either. In my point of view, however, it does not mean that the elderly are useless people. There are still ways that the elderly can devote to the society, such as doing volunteer work in the museum after their retirement. Keeping on engaging to the society can make the elderly feel less bored, and they can also make some new friends. In the meanwhile, they will not become the heavy burden in our current life.
The Ideal Life 英文作文練習
Last weekend, I took part in an interesting activity in an ancient temple to celebrate the birthday of Confucius. In the morning, a teacher taught us how to write properly and beautifully. The teacher gave us various types of words to choose from. It was a great experience. Next, we went to ride horses. It was a bit scary when I got onto the horseback, but I liked this awesome activity the most. In the afternoon, we went to do the archery first. It was also fantastic. Doing archery made me feel like I am Katniss in The Hunger Game! After doing archery, we had a music class. Some teachers taught us how to play the drum. The beats were so exciting and powerful. When we finished the class, the teachers even performed an excellent song to us! This was the end of my fabulous day. It was almost the best day in my life!
2020年9月19日 星期六
2020年8月14日 星期五
全民英檢寫作練習 第八回
More and more parents want their children to study abroad in junior high whatever it coast these days. Along the growth of economy, many companies and organizations seriously focus on the experiences abroad. However, many experts were worried about this kind of thought because the earlier children leave their family, children would feel the long distance between them and family. Hence, it is very important for parents to consider if this child fit for leaving home earlier.
2020年8月12日 星期三
全民英檢寫作練習 第七回
At 4:50 on Sunday afternoon, October 21, 2018. When Taiwan railways 6432 which carried more than 366 passengers went through the station of Yilan, ran out of the railroad in a very high speed. Five carriages turned 90 degrees. There were 18 died and more than 200 was hurt in this accident. It is the most severe train accident in Taiwan for 27 years.
2020年8月11日 星期二
全民英檢寫作練習 第六回
It is said that women have more ability in working in two different projects at the same time than men. Out of curiosity, I started to observe what my parents do at home. I found out that my father usually lays on the sofa and watches the TV after work. On the other hand, my mom, even she had been through a busy day, still prepares our dinner, help us clean our room and do the laundry. In fact, there aren't any close path of doing things well. The best way is to do the work whole - heartedly.
2020年7月16日 星期四
全民英檢寫作練習 第五回中翻英
In recent days, the number of people getting the flu virus was increasing. According to suggestions from the experts, we should wear masks in anytime and reduce the chances of going to public places. However, people start to care about health after they got viruses or caught a cold. Hence, even though we already made every necessary steps, we still can't ignore the damages which a flu can give us.
2020年7月13日 星期一
全民英檢寫作練習 第四回中翻英
What habits do you have? Eating eggs in the morning? Eating lunch box? Eating dinner at home? Everyone grew habits before we know it, but it is difficult for us to change our habits. If your habits influences other people, you will have to change it.
2020年7月9日 星期四
全民英檢寫作練習 第三回
When it comes to sports, I like basketball more than other ball games. Although I have been playing basketball for ten years, I am still a big fan of basketball. In the past, I used to spend a lot of time practicing basketball. I also wanted basketball to be my forever job. Unfortunately, I hurt my back in a match. I can't play serious matches after that. Anyway, I still play basketball in my spare time, and continue my basketball dream.
2020年7月6日 星期一
全民英檢寫作練習 第二回中翻英
In Taiwan, the summer is hot and humid. Diseases can easily spread out. Many people like to go out in the summer, so food hygiene becomes important. Wash your hands clearly regularly is a good way to protect ourselves. If you felt uncomfortable, you have to stay home for some rest, and avoid going to public places. If you are sick, go to the doctor as soon as possible to get well treatments.
2020年7月5日 星期日
全民英檢寫作練習 第一回
The winter has come. The weather began to be cooler and cooler. I found out that it was difficult for me to wake up early. To avoid being late for school, my younger brother gave me an advice last week: to use two clocks to wake me up. I decided to do an immediate action. I invited my friend Penny to go to the department store for a new clock with me. In addition, Penny taught me the most effective and cheapest way : Let the natural clock "mother" to help me out.
2020年6月24日 星期三
2020年6月17日 星期三

2020年6月9日 星期二
2020年6月6日 星期六

「White Only」的標誌在二十世紀中的美國南方到處可見,那時候種族歧視的觀念非常強烈,飲水機、商店、甚至餐廳都分成白人用和有色人種用。也有全部都是白人的學校,連巴士上都要分成兩區來坐!
2020年6月2日 星期二
2020年5月19日 星期二
這篇文章是在說,我們都會用一生去想,在死前要做甚麼?住在紐奧良的藝術家Candy Chang在一個跟她關係很好的長輩過世後,就將這個問題寫在一個大黑板上,讓大家可以去填自己想做的事或夢想。後來,那個黑板上填了滿滿的文字,也有很多其他人將這個句子寫在其他地方,一樣讓更多人去填夢想。
2020年5月14日 星期四
現代抽象藝術 - 康丁斯基的音樂圖畫

2020年5月12日 星期二
台南必吃美食 - 一日行程安排

2020年4月23日 星期四
2020年4月8日 星期三
2020年4月7日 星期二
2020年4月4日 星期六
I am playing football.
2020年3月26日 星期四
2020年3月12日 星期四
2020年3月10日 星期二
2020年2月4日 星期二
2020年1月13日 星期一
2020年1月9日 星期四
2020年1月5日 星期日
2020年1月4日 星期六
2020年1月2日 星期四